Rabu, 06 Maret 2019

What does it mean numbers? Let’s start with the red boxes


83.73% of the downswings Player A will experience will be over 300 BBs
63.16% of the downswings Player B will experience will be over 300 BBs
So, only ~16% of Player A’s downswings will be less than 300 BBs, compared to ~37% of Player B’s downswings IDN POKER.



And now the blue boxes:



82.41% of Player A’s downswing stretches will last over 5000 hands
60.18% of Player B’s downswing stretches will last over 5000 hands
So, ~18% of Player A’s downswings will last fewer than 5000 hands, compared to ~40% of Player B’s downswings. (A downswing stretch is defined by the amount of hands it takes to get back to the peak of your IDN POKER TERBARU graph.)

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